SART Training

This free training will cover sexual assault DNA evidence collection, providing trauma-informed services to sexual assault survivors with complex needs, and the responsibilities of SART members in the criminal justice process. The training will be led by Sharlotta Sharp and D’Michelle DuPre from the Office for Victims of Crime Training and Assistance Center. This training will be broken down into three separate classes. Participants must commit to attend all three training sessions. The schedule is as follows:
April 30, 2024 – 8:00 a.m. – 4:30 p.m. Sexual Assault DNA Evidence Collection – In person at the Henry Ford Jackson Hospital (Anderson Building 1101-1199 Homewild Ave. Jackson, MI Public door D, Auditorium C).
As the use of DNA technology becomes integral to the investigation and prosecution of sexual assault cases, all SART responders should know how to implement and support current best practices for identifying, collecting, and using DNA evidence effectively. This training will allow SART members to gain a deeper understanding of best practices in sexual assault kit DNA evidence collection, forensic case notes documentation, forensic evidence kit management, and providing trauma-informed responses to survivors of sexual violence.
As a result of this training, participants will be able to:
- Recognize three DNA technology advancements in the field of sexual assault forensic exams.
- Learn at least two best practices in trauma-informed evidence collection techniques during a forensic exam for both adult and pediatric survivors.
- Understand three best practices in documenting forensic exams in the Michigan Track-Kit system and CODIS.
- Identify three proper evidence preservation techniques and their impact on the evidence kit chain of command and processing.
- Realize three best practices of working together as an MDT/SART to provide survivor choice and empowerment before, during, and after a forensic exam.
- Identify at least one policy or protocol that includes protecting the evidence kit collection/processing and empowers survivors who consented to a forensic exam.
May 7, 2024 – 10:00 a.m. -12:00 p.m. Providing Trauma-Informed Services to Sexual Assault Survivors With Complex Needs – Virtual
This training will encourage members of the SART to examine how to provide trauma-informed, victim-centered support for sexual assault survivors who have complex trauma, substance use disorders, and mental health challenges. Participants will learn best practices when interviewing sexual assault victims, conducting and documenting a sexual assault forensic exam, and making warm handoff referrals when survivors have complex needs and may benefit from the support of community-based and system-based victim service agencies.
As a result of this training, participants will be able to:
- Define three common challenges that SARTs face when working with survivors who have complex needs.
- Identify two challenges of evidence collection and advocacy when the survivor has a substance use disorder or behavioral health challenge that impacts their decision to engage in a forensic exam.
- Identify three techniques for providing victim-centered, culturally responsive services to survivors with complex trauma following the forensic exam.
May 14, 2024 – 10:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m. – The Responsibilities of SART Members in the Criminal Justice Process – Virtual
This training will provide a deeper understanding of SART members’ roles in criminal prosecution. This training will also inform participants how the DNA evidence collected during a forensic exam can be used in the criminal justice process.
As a result of this training, participants will be able to:
- Explain how the DNA and evidence collected during a forensic exam may be used on both a prosecution and defense team during a trial.